Celebrate with the Ionian Islanders!
פברואר 23, 2024
In addition to Greek National holidays each island has its own particular festivals and holidays. Lefkas seems to have more than its own fair share

Lefkada’s Breath Taking Lighthouse (video)
פברואר 23, 2024
Throughout its history, the Greek peninsula has been known for its hundreds, if not thousands, lighthouses. One of them, Doukáto, located on the island of

Lefkada island: A Touch of the Caribbean in Greece
פברואר 23, 2024
Located in the Ionian sea, Lefkada is a stunning island, even by Greek standards. It connects to the mainland by a small bridge and is

סיור האוכל של אקיס בלפקדה
פברואר 23, 2024
המופע של Akis Petrezikis Akis' Food Tour ביקר באי לפקדה היפה! חקר בטוב טעם אבל גם בכל חלק יפה של האי.